The official blog of the 2012 International Convention of the Corvair Society of America, which took place in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, July 25-28, 2012. Presented by the member clubs of the Northeast Corvair Council.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

A Little Pre-Convention Viewing

This Sunday, July 22, on the CBS Sunday Morning program, correspondent Lee Cowan will be presenting a story inspired by Pultizer-winning author Paul Ingrassia’s recent book, Engines of Change, A History of the American Dream in Fifteen Cars. One of the fifteen cars is the Corvair, and on July 16 Mr Cowan and a camera crew spent three-and-a-half hours interviewing your blog editor and riding and driving in a beautiful 1968 Monza coupe.

Paul Ingrassia’s book identified the Corvair as being one of history’s most significant cars, not only for its groundbreaking design, not only for the unfounded safety accusations, but also for the role it played in the election of George W. Bush in the famously disputed 2000 presidential contest with Al Gore.

You can read more about the Corvair’s role in the 2000 election on The Garage Key blog, but be sure to tune in to your CBS television station this Sunday morning at 9 AM (EDT) to see this segment. The segment, of course, is about all the cars on Paul Ingrassia’s list of the fifteen most significant, not just the Corvair. Will the segment mention CORSA and the convention? We mentioned both on camera, but it remains to be seen what the final edit will be.

In the photo above, CBS Sunday Morning correspondent Lee Cowan relaxes by the Corvair while a crew member affixes a camera to the car. Below, a look at the main camera mounted on the car. A second Go-Pro mini camera was also placed on the car and a third, full-size camera was used for exterior views and on-the-road shots.

Did we mention that it was also 95 degrees on this day?

We should note that a major news story or other unanticipated event could cause this segment to be delayed until July 29, but at the moment the scheduled broadcast date is July 22.

Update 7/21/12:  Due to the shootings in Colorado, the broadcast has been postponed.  We will confirm the new broadcast date once we know it.

Update 7/28/12:  The segment will be broadcast on Sunday, July 29, 2012.