The official blog of the 2012 International Convention of the Corvair Society of America, which took place in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, July 25-28, 2012. Presented by the member clubs of the Northeast Corvair Council.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

All Business

On Tuesday, July 24, the day before the official opening of the convention, CORSA’s board of directors held its annual meeting in Sturbridge. Jamie Reinhart, the CORSA president, provided the following report:

The meeting started with an update from Brian O’Neill, the 2012 Convention Chairman. He reported that there were 669 convention pre-registrations, the social events were sold out, there had been more than 18,000 hits on the convention blog and that the Fitch Phoenix will be at the convention later in the week.

The talk then turned to future conventions. The 2013 convention in Kalamazoo Michigan, was discussed, and the board has received and reviewed two proposals for the 2014 convention, both of which are in the Central Division. There was also one bid received for an Eastern Division convention in 2015.

Since there are at present nor proposals for a Western Division convention, the Western Division directors will actively seek out a host chapter or chapters for a Western Division convention in 2016.

Website updates were next on the agenda. The new CORSA store is working well and people are buying merchandise. There are upgrades and changes in the works for the website that will be added in the future and work continues on the program for paying applicable fees and updating chapter contacts and chapter membership databases.

There are some new items at the CORSA merchandise table including a new ladies V-neck and Rampside T-shirts.

Officer elections were next and the new CORSA officers are:

President: Jason Cesana
Vice-President: Mike Hall
Secretary: David Dykwell
Treasurer: Frank Regal

The mid year profit and loss statement was reviewed and it was noted that CORSA is in the black, membership has stabilized and it looks good for the rest of the year.

Final discussions concerned the need to find a new membership chairman and to fill a Western Division director vacancy.

Thanks, Jamie, not only for this report but also for your service as CORSA president for the past three years.