The official blog of the 2012 International Convention of the Corvair Society of America, which took place in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, July 25-28, 2012. Presented by the member clubs of the Northeast Corvair Council.

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Monday, August 6, 2012


If you attended the Ice Cream Social at Sturbridge, you heard the great music performed by Cobblestone Crossing.

You also heard that the group had no idea how musically challenged convention chairman Brian O'Neill is!

For one number, Darrell Varley issued an old fashioned washboard to Brian, seen here holding the washboard and wearing the convention's signature tri-corner hat.  They asked him to strum a pattern on it, a pattern which is best described as One anna Two anna Three anna FourZip zippa Zip zippa Zip zippa Zip.

No matter how many times they asked him to repeat that pattern, all Brian could do on the washboard was Zip Zip Zip Zip Zip Zip.  Sometimes as many as seven strokes, sometimes as few as three, and never with any semblance of rhythm.

The irony is, Brian is a tremendous music lover.  He listens to all forms of music, at home, in his car, in his office, at live performances.  It was Brian who brought Cobblestone Crossing to Sturbridge and it was Brian who scheduled the Karaoke night that took place earlier in the week.  But despite his appreciation of and enthusiasm for music, American Idol will not be calling.