The official blog of the 2012 International Convention of the Corvair Society of America, which took place in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, July 25-28, 2012. Presented by the member clubs of the Northeast Corvair Council.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Monza SS at Sturbridge

Mel Francis, from Wisconsin, has confirmed that the stunning Monza SS replica is coming to Sturbridge!

If you are not yet familiar with this car, the quick story is that Mel and his partner, Dick Reinders, took it upon themselves to produce a modern replica of the achingly beautiful Monza SS show car – and they succeeded!

(Click the photo for an enlarged view.)

We have provided a link below that will tell you much more about this car, but in a recent note Mel tells us:

“It will be our first Convention with this car, since we missed the last two, during the build.  I'll be putting it up on 12-inch tall display blocks when we show it, so anyone can check out the underside details, if they're interested.

“But we'll also be putting some miles on it around town, giving a few test drives.

“We plan on getting a time in the autocross, just to establish a baseline comparison with the other modified cars.”

Wait a minute… a few test drives?  Count us IN!

Your blog editor was fortunate enough to get a ride in the original Monza SS some 25 years ago, courtesy of GM, and cannot wait to get a ride in this new one!

UPDATE:  You can learn at lot more about this car here.

UPDATE:  Timothy Shortle, who lives in beautiful Durango, Colorado, posted this note concerning the Monza SS replica:  "This is worth going to Massachusetts for by itself. I saw this car in Detroit at the Homecoming last summer. "Unbelievable" is how I would describe it.