The official blog of the 2012 International Convention of the Corvair Society of America, which took place in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, July 25-28, 2012. Presented by the member clubs of the Northeast Corvair Council.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Richard Lentinello at Sturbridge

There's a lot of buzz in the Corvair community right now because the December, 2011, issue of Hemmings Classic Car magazine is a special issue commemorating the Chevrolet centennial, and the Corvair comes in for many positive mentions.

Among these are the words of Editor-in-Chief Richard Lentinello, who writes,"If I won Powerball tomorrow, the first car I would go out and buy would be a Corvair.  Not a Ferrari.  Not a Porsche.  A Corvair."

Richard Lentinello's affinity for the Corvair is well-known to long-time readers of Hemmings publications -- and that's why earlier this year the organizers of the 2012 convention invited him to be our guest speaker at the convention banquet on July 28.  That's right, Richard Lentinello will be our guest at the convention and he will share some of his insights into the car hobby in general and Corvairs in particular.

When making your convention plans, be sure to include banquet tickets, as this will be a can't-miss evening.

While Richard Lentinello will be our guest speaker, he won't be the only special guest on hand at the convention.  Watch this blog for news and information about more guest visitors.